

Piano Tuning

Having your piano tuned is the most essential, and also the most rewarding service in the maintenance of your piano. Whether you are having your piano tuned 4 times per year or it has been many years since the last visit, each tuning session is approached with holistic care and consideration. By scheduling a piano tuning appointment you are taking the most important step in preserving the value and increasing the enjoyment of your piano. Our goal is to leave you (and your piano!) happy that you are now connected with Stairs Pianocraft Ltd.


Piano tuning - St. John's


Piano Assessment

Whether purchasing a used piano, or considering possibilities for a piano you already own, having a piano inspected by an experienced Piano Technician can potentially save you thousands of dollars! With so many pianos that all look similar, it is so important to truly understand the condition and potential of the piano being considered. With the experience of having worked with many thousands of pianos, of every extreme in condition and construction, trust us to give you solid information and guidance. We are here for You!



Action Regulation

The mechanics of a piano are the bridge between your fingers and the sound produced. This complex series of up to 15,000 bits of wood, felt, leather, metal, plastic and glue is like a Rube Goldberg masterpiece! It is so essential to the playability of the piano that these parts relate to eachother with the intended and ideal geometry designed by the manufacturer. Basic regulation and lubrication procedures must be kept up regularly, and occasionally more extensive regulation should be carried out. Do you prefer a light touch to your piano? Maybe you prefer a heavier solid response from the keys. Regulation can be done not only to restore the manufacturers intended touch, but can be modified within the working perimeters of the Action parts to customize to a players taste! Therefore, Action Regulation is always undertaken with consultation of the piano players so that the outcome will always be what is best for the piano AND for you!

Hammer Voicing

"My piano sounds harsh and tinny!"..."I feel like I have to play very hard to get expression out of my piano"... "It's so hard to play smooth scales and to play expressively on my piano! It's fighting me all the way..." ... If you would describe your piano like this, your piano may need to be Voiced!

Voicing is an artistic adjustment to how piano hammers (made of felt) relate and interact with the metal piano strings. There is a considerable amount of art and intentionality to how a piano hammer is made, and an equal amount of art skill go into their maintenance. Piano tone can be evened out note to note, as well as changed throughout entire sections to customize to your taste, or even the piano placement in a room. This aspect of piano care is so often overlooked but can make all the difference in the enjoyment of your piano. We would love to consult with you on this aspect of your piano care!

Newfoundland piano service